Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sad Endings

Today, Jack passed away. I was at a horse show all day and when I got back he was gone. I already had guessed that he was probably an old sparrow since, he had cataracts.

Love all...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Clean Cages and Good Byes

I took Jack outside today when what I think was his mother or else his mate kept looking for him bellow my window. I set him down on the grass and left him alone for half an hour, while I cleaned his cage and let it dry. My dog kept a distant watch over him at my insistence. I hope when my dog and I left him out front for fifteen minutes he got his good byes...

I decided I would keep him today. Thus, why I started the blog. I discovered right before I let him go that his eyes were cloudy. I don't mean a slight film, but a dark thunderstorm. He is almost completely blind. All he can see is light. I think its why he sleeps irregularly. He's not ever positive when its night or day.

He's starting to settle in. I feel rather bad that my dog caught him for me today. Poor thing was more then a bit scared understandably. No worries though. He wasn't harmed. One feather had been slightly ruffled but, thats it. My dog has very soft lips and not a mean bone in her body. She thinks he's neat.

I've made his little home on the bottom of the cage. Its sad, I've seen him sitting in front of the mirror. I gave it to him the first day and now I just let him have it,since I think he likes the perch for it. He has a water bowl for bathing even. Hopefully, he'll figure out to use it. When I caught him today I noticed the bottom of his tail was yellow. I feel so bad for him... But he has lots of food and I make sure I give him some type of green once a day.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Second day of a new life.

I've decided Jack probably can't see well. We're not positive if he hurt himself or what. He's very cheerful though!

I've decided he needs to have his cage cleaned very regularly since he eats off the floor so much.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

A New Begining

We found a bird who was not afraid to be pet by humans. I found a cage from my mom's old canaries and he now resides in my room.

I will call him Jack. Cliche but, it fits. He's very pretty. I'll post pictures shortly.